Our role in the project
Working with Temple Environmental, we helped produce the noise chapter of the Environmental Impact Assessment for this prestigious scheme
Specific considerations
- Large scale computer modelling of railway noise through city and suburban areas
- Structure borne noise radiation from bridges and viaducts
- Extensive on site noise and vibration measurements
- PA system noise modelling
Acoustic features of this project
In addition to the train rolling noise, noise from the PA system at Blackfriars Station to nearby residential and commercial neighbours had to be addressed. Because the new station extended across the whole of Blackfriars Bridge to a new southern entrance, the platform PA system was moved much closer to existing properties on the South Bank.
- Working with the local authority, a variable noise limit was established which enabled the PA system to be louder when the train is moving in the station, and at a lower level in the absence of train noise;
- The proprietary software CATT was used to model the potential noise from the loud speakers to demonstrate that this approach was feasible;
- The whole Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) produced by Temple Environmental, and incorporating our Environmental Noise chapter, was the biggest EIA produced at that time, in the county.
It also won the:
- CEEQUAL Outstanding Achievement Award 2013 for Ecology & Biodiversity
- Highly Commended CEEQUAL Outstanding Achievement Award 2013 for the Historic Environment. It was the biggest EIA produced to date in the country.
The experience we gained on this project was carried across with Temple Environmental on the HS2 High Speed Rail Scheme.